NutraTalk Blog

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The urges have basically disappeared completely, leaving me with only the occasional time my hand reaches up to my head out of habit, but I used to not to be able to stop.  Now I simply have no urge to continue. My hair is now thick and full and luscious and I wear it out all the time.
Posted in: Success Stories
Tagged with: Stress, Anxiety
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University of Canterbury researchers have again demonstrated broad-spectrum micronutrients to be a viable alternative to conventional medication for anxiety and depression. In Christchurch, New Zealand, university researchers are attempting to address "common but serious psychiatric problems" in the community.
Posted in: Research
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I was diagnosed late Nov 2017, & med-free by April 2018. Now it’s been four months med-free, going on five. I’m glad I was able to make the switch to supplements. I’m thriving thanks to Hardy Nutritionals Daily Essential Nutrients.
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"The difference is now he can have a conversation and not just storm off. We feel like we can talk with him."
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For those who are taking Daily Essential Nutrients, Hardy Nutritionals® clinical broad-spectrum micronutrient formulation, but who are still dealing with some level of residual mood swings, anxiety or depression--hormonal or otherwise--additional supplementation may be required.  Introducing supplements such as 5HTP, SAMe, Inositol, Niacinimide, among others, may be helpful in providing added relief.
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DEN has stopped the voices I used to hear and the depression is gone.  I am completely stable and have never felt this happy for this long in one stretch in my life. My sleep has improved greatly and I am waking up happy every morning.
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I started the Daily Essential Nutrients seven months ago. Within three days I felt a slight calmness I had not felt in years. By days seven to ten, I felt more grounded and in my skin. I started with three to six capsules a day following the recommended regimen, building each week, and by week three or four I was less hazy--it felt like a dark cloud had lifted.
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More studies on David Hardy's formulations prove successful: "Our experience with the nutrients over 10 years is that when it works – and I have to always be careful to say it doesn't work for everyone – but when it does work we see a broad range of symptoms getting better."
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"I first decided to try Daily Essential Nutrients because my psychiatrist was encouraging me to switch off of pharmaceuticals as I was nearing 20 years on Lithium. We were both concerned about my kidneys, and my body managing that for 20-30 more years..."
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The Daily Essential Nutrients micronutrients are really helping our son. He is now much more happy and easier going than usual. I can see the difference. Almost immediately, (the same day). I now understand the hefty price tag. It's the quality and quantity of essential nutrients. They are providing the correct balance that his brain was starving for.
Posted in: Success Stories
Tagged with: Aggression, Stress