NutraTalk Blog

Brain Injury & Anxiety: How Micronutrients Changed My Life

Posted on : December 05, 2017 by Hardy Nutritionals® No Comments

"No one tells you when your life will change, or how it will change when you are at the top of your game.

Educated, successful, witty, single mom of the year, worthy of the volunteer of the community award.

That was my life before 'everything changed'.brain injury anxiety micronutrients   Seven years into the battle of chronic pain, a three level fusion in my neck, on & off depression, a traumatic brain injury including memory, concentration, speaking & writing & aphasia issues, anxiety, heightened sound issues & chronic sleep issues— I have been living the total package of a very bad twist of fate. 

A mom in her prime at 35… I had it all and then lost it all in a split three seconds from a devastating 55 mph rear ending where my head & neck took the direct impact off the car headrest.

After struggling for years to make sense of my life, be a mother and bouncing in & out of research studies, I was just at my wit's end wondering if I would ever live a life without meds to help me focus, a med to keep me asleep and meds to manage the chronic pain and inflammation.micronutrients pain
While on Facebook one day I saw an article on the Daily Essential Nutrients capsules.  I pondered: 'Would yet another nutraceutical really do anything let alone even scratch the surface of all I was dealing with?'

I set the article aside after reviewing the product...that was over a year ago. Yes, it took another year until I was at my absolute wit's end to hit the order & send button.

Had I continued reviewing the product research studies and citings on Daily Essential Nutrients… my world as I knew it would have had a drastic change sooner—One that I never felt was possible.

I started the Daily Essential Nutrients seven months ago.  Within three days I felt a slight calmness I had not felt in years.  By days seven to ten, I felt more grounded and in my skin.

I started with three to six capsules a day following the recommended regimen, building each week, and by week three or four I was less hazy--it felt like a dark cloud had lifted.

Going into weeks five to seven, I started focusing more, my nerve pain was less, I had more energy, didn’t feel gloomy at all and my brain started to function again.

When I was in a conversation, there were things I had struggled to speak about, which started to come to mind faster and I had less and less delays in communicating.

I simply felt good— like, really good!

After a few weeks of taking the product I began weening off my ADHD medication that I had been on for seven years post accident, plus my sleeping medication that allowed me to stay asleep to get a good night's rest.

It was as if ever so slowly something was shifting.brain injury and anxiety micronutrients  I found I did better and better without the medications that I had known to be my “functioning” way of life to live day to day.  I started sleeping through the night!  I started feeling alert happy, and balanced.  Like really balanced...Less moody--even when my monthly PMS came.

I can not communicate or put into words fully the victory that has been won by starting the Hardy Nutritionals® product and staying on it.  It's exciting, liberating, and comforting that what I had read all this time was true, finding a product that was 'actually able to do what it stated'.

The hardest part was truly managing all the conditions I was dealing with.  At first, I was healthy and happy. Then, I was in an accident and struggled for so many years bouncing from doctor to doctor.  Medications, treatments, surgeries—It had taken an unbelievable toll on my body and when I started adding the micronutrients Hardy Nutritionals® provides back into my body… I began to heal.

Conventional medicine is right on many issues and alternative medicine is definitely right. To every person in strife…I can’t express or say enough how grateful I am that I finally pushed that order button.

My only regret is that I waited so long stuck on, 'Would it work?'Daily Essential Nutrients micronutrients reviews

Now, being seven months into the process of no medications and taking my Daily Essential Nutrients, I feel incredible and I can sustain a day of a lot of moving parts.

I think very clearly, my moods stay stable. I sleep through the night. I have a constant feeling of 'feeling normal again'."

- S. D., Customer Since April 2017

This is a customer-submitted review, used with permission. 
The images are stock photos.

Hardy Nutritionals® multivitamin-mineral products are powered by our proprietary NutraTek™ mineral delivery technology, which combines each mineral with specialized organic molecules—just like nature—to optimize absorption and distribution to body cells. Our flagship supplement, Daily Essential Nutrients, is widely considered to be the most research-backed micronutrient treatment.
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