NutraTalk Blog

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The study found that taking Hardy’s DEN "resulted in significant improvements in maternal mood and emotional well-being."
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Mood, Pregnancy, Pediatrics
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New study shows that taking Daily Essential Nutrients during pregnancy results in healthier babies who develop well, early on.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Pregnancy, Pediatrics
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That’s why at Hardy Nutritionals®, we work closely with health professionals to ensure their patients have access to the most cutting-edge nutraceutical treatments for mood and mental health.
Posted in: Product Safety
Tagged with: Dosage, Research, Pediatrics
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My son's mood issues have completely turned around since starting Daily Essential Nutrients.
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Dr. Christie Drzewiecki discusses why she recommends Daily Essential Nutrients to patients at the Neurologic Wellness Institute.
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More than half of preschool children and over two-thirds of non-pregnant women of reproductive age worldwide have a micronutrient deficiency.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Pregnancy, Pediatrics
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Shortly after her son began taking the micronutrients however, she noticed a very noticeable change in his mood and behavior. “We were all amazed..."
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Eating whole foods has been shown to improve mental and overall health. However, merely eating well may be insufficient for some.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Pediatrics, Focus, Mood, ADHD
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After starting Daily Essential Nutrients, the family noticed a change in Carter within the first week. He could focus, he was happy, and he kept improving.
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These doctors share details about their experiences using Hardy's Daily Essential Nutrients micronutrients with patients.