NutraTalk Blog

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Why Micronutrients Are Needed: Every person needs micronutrients in order to survive, let alone to thrive.  The most important reason micronutrients are needed is because the body cannot make micronutrients on its own, so these essential nutrients must be provided in some other way.
Posted in: Research
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Micronutrients: We need them in order to survive. Micronutrients, including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants must be provided in a balanced, absorbable format in order to optimize the health of the body.
Posted in: Research
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My husband and I want to thank Hardy Nutritionals® for saving our son's life. Before we found Hardy's Daily Essential Nutrients, our lives were in shambles.
Posted in: Success Stories
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"And thus, I came back to Hardy’s. It’ s only been about three weeks...but the last of my tiny panic attacks seems to have disappeared. "
Posted in: Success Stories
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I started the Daily Essential Nutrients seven months ago. Within three days I felt a slight calmness I had not felt in years. By days seven to ten, I felt more grounded and in my skin. I started with three to six capsules a day following the recommended regimen, building each week, and by week three or four I was less hazy--it felt like a dark cloud had lifted.
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Micronutrients are more important than many people might realize. They play a crucial role in maintaining our body's health and overall wellness. According to science, micronutrients protect us from diseases and help our bodies function properly.
Posted in: Research
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A psychiatric textbook, "Complementary and Integrative Treatments in Psychiatric Practice", published by the American Psychiatric Association in October 2017, features broad-spectrum micronutrients as a “physiologically sensible approach" for the treatment of mood dysregulation and mental health.
Posted in: Product Safety, General Health
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Recent independently funded, third party university research confirms: broad-spectrum micronutrients can improve sleep-quality in those suffering from insomnia.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Energy, Sleep
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Micronutrients are incredibly important for a healthy body. Micronutrients help provide nutritional stability in the body and are essential to every single system and function in humans. When the body lacks sufficient nutrients, it can’t perform optimally.
Posted in: Research
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"I had been taking a high dose of Adderall (30mg/ 4X day) for the past 18 years for ADHD. I wanted to try and get pregnant but knew that I could not be on stimulants for that so I was gearing up to get off the Adderall..."
Posted in: Success Stories