NutraTalk Blog

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In this integrative healthcare webinar, Hardy Nutritionals® Founder, David Hardy, focuses on broad-spectrum nutrition as a means of both prevention and treatment for various kinds of illness. Hardy has been researching and formulating integrative healthcare micronutrient treatments for the past twenty years. His extensive experience has clearly shown that addressing all nutrient deficiencies is essential for optimizing our health.
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Download the New Daily Essential Nutrients Clinical Reference for Healthcare Professionals. With the recent launch of our new, concentrated Daily Essential Nutrients formulation, we've given our Clinical Reference for Healthcare Professionals a face-lift! Our Clinical Reference was written specifically to help doctors guide their patients as they use Daily Essential Nutrients to achieve a new level of mental and physical well-being.
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In 2009, I had just started menopause and could only sleep 3 hours a night. For the past 20 years I had a job that required 100% travel - I was always on the run and I was exhausted. In addition to the grueling work schedule, the last 9 years were especially rough.
Posted in: Success Stories
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We are pleased to announce that our new, concentrated Daily Essential Nutrients is now available on our store. All pre-orders have already been sent. A few weeks ago, we announced on our NutraTalk Blog that our scientists created a new, concentrated Hardy Nutritionals® Daily Essential Nutrients formula, which now delivers 25% more of each ingredient per capsule.
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Why Choose Flexible Autoship? Over the years, planning or remembering to reorder has been a common obstacle for many of our clients. As a result, we often get requests like, "I'm down to my last couple doses and I'm going to run out. Can you rush ship an order to me immediately?"
Posted in: Getting Started
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We are very pleased that our new, more concentrated Daily Essential Nutrients capsules are now in the final stages of production and should be available to ship before the end of June 2015. Because this is our very first batch of product produced through our new manufacturer, we've taken some extra time to ensure that our mineral chelation is done just right.
Posted in: General Health
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We are pleased to announce that nutritional psychiatry was the topic of a three-hour symposium, "Mineral-Vitamin Combinations as Primary Treatment of Psychiatric Symptoms" at the American Psychiatric Association annual meeting in Toronto, Canada on May 20, 2015. This kind of symposium at American Psychiatric Association annual meetings is "intended to highlight important new advances occurring in the field of psychiatry".
Posted in: General Health
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A few weeks ago, we announced on our NutraTalk Blog that our scientists have created a new, concentrated Aminos formula, Hardy Nutritionals® Balanced Free-form Aminos, which now delivers 15% more amino acids in each capsule. The blog article compares our old Aminos product with our improved formulation.
Posted in: General Health
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An exciting multi-center double-blind study by independent researchers comparing the effectiveness of our new, concentrated Daily Essential Nutrients and omega-3 supplements is scheduled to begin in 2016. The study will include four large groups of prison inmates,
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Research
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Recently, our scientists conducted a careful audit of Daily Essential Nutrients with the goal of reducing the number of capsules you need to take while keeping all essential nutrient guarantees the same. They found a way to reduce our daily recommended dose by 3 capsules without compromising its effectiveness--simply by ...
Posted in: General Health