NutraTalk Blog

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During the quit phase (12 weeks), participants were registered with a public Quitline while consuming micronutrients or placebo. Carbon monoxide levels were measured to confirm smoking cessation.
Posted in: Research
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In the latest Soundbite From Our Scientists, Taron explains how certain non-psychiatric medications may also interact with Daily Essential Nutrients.
Posted in: Research
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The gut-brain connection is a proven idea that explains those "gut-wrenching feelings" or "getting butterflies". Yeast overgrowth prevents nutrient absorption...
Posted in: Research
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There are many schools of thought when it comes to determining the root cause of anxiety, but several researchers have demonstrated an important correlation between nutrient deficiencies and symptoms.
Posted in: Research
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Reducing psychiatric medication under the care of a health professional while taking Daily Essential Nutrients micronutrients is important for two key reasons.
Posted in: Product Safety
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When it comes to essential elements: When you get all the things that you need, your whole body can be healthy and strong and function well.
Posted in: Research
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In 2017, one month after taking DEN all the chronic fatigue symptoms stopped... I can only chalk this up to taking DEN.
Posted in: Success Stories
Tagged with: Energy
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The APA textbook, "Complementary and Integrative Treatments in Psychiatric Practice", featuring micronutrients has been awarded the 2017 Gold Nautilus Book Award.
Posted in: Research
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The urges have basically disappeared completely, leaving me with only the occasional time my hand reaches up to my head out of habit, but I used to not to be able to stop.  Now I simply have no urge to continue. My hair is now thick and full and luscious and I wear it out all the time.
Posted in: Success Stories
Tagged with: Anxiety, Stress
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At Hardy Nutritionals®, the closest we come to providing food is in our Greens & Probiotics product. Our Greens & Probiotics supplement provides food together with bacteria, also known as probiotics. This includes eight strains of bacteria that are known to be beneficial for human health.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Gut Health, Research